Aquarius Touch
Haga que su ascensor sea único Reemplaza la botonera con Aquarius, la pantalla táctil personaliza. Estilo y las imágenes con widgets dinámicos. Ideal para promocionar tus servicios y productos en tiendas y hoteles.
Dimensions: 15.6'' | 17.3'' | 21.5''
Perfect for your business
Aquarius improves the elevator experience for your customers, edit the display with the logo and images of your business, guide customers to the floor thanks to display labels, add widgets to promote your products and services

Make your display unique
Customize button layouts
Customize button style
Add your logo
Use a different background for each floor
Add labels for each floor

Make your Aquarius Dynamic with our Widgets
Slide show
Promote your products and services, dedicating a portion of the touch display with a promotional slideshow
Get a fast inquiry
Fill a inquiry or book an appointment with our sales team